Blackberry Wine Recipe

Blackberry Wine Recipe (1 gallon):  

  • 4 pounds of Blackberries ( you can use either fresh or frozen)  
  • 7 pints of Water  
  • 2 1/4 pounds of Sugar  
  • 1/2 tsp Acid Blend  
  • 1/2 tsp of Pectic Enzyme  
  • 1 tsp Nutrient  
  • 1 Crushed Campden Tablet  
  • 1 pkg EC-1118 Wine yeast


  • Starting Specific Gravity (S.G.) - 1.090 - 1.095 
  • Wash and drain your berries. Make sure you have removed stems, leaves, and that your berries are fully ripened without any mold on them. 
  • Place your blackberries into a nylon straining bag and mash your berries. Or use your fruit press if you have one. Strain your juice into your Primary Fermenter. Make sure all the pulp stays inside of your straining bag.
  • Add all of the other ingredients except for the Wine Yeast. Stir it all together and put the lid on your Primary Fermenter.
  • After 24 hours add your yeast and stir. Put the cover back on the Primary Fermenter.
  • Stir your wine daily and squeeze the bag of blackberries to push the juice out.
  • Check the hydrometer reading daily until your S.G. reaches 1.030. This will take about 5 days or so.
  • Take your bag of blackberry pulp out of your fermenter and squeeze it until all of the juice is out... or at least as much as you can get.
  • Rack your wine by siphoning your wine off of the sediment into your Secondary Fermenter, which should be a glass carboy.
  • Attach your airlock.
  • Your fermenting is done when your S.G. reaches 1.000. This will take about 3 weeks. Rack your wine again leaving the sediment behind.
  • Reattach your airlock. 
  • In about 2 months rack your wine again. You will rack your wine a total of 3 or 4 times... until your wine is clear. The professional wine makers will usually rack their wine 3 or 4 times.

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